Monday 23 July 2012

Using images on the Intranet - is it important?

A recent poster on the IoIC (institute of Internal Communication) LinkedIn group asked "Have you a view on how much emphasis an organisation's intranet should place on pictures and images?"

As the old cliché says "a picture is worth a thousand words". So how much should you put up on your Intranet? 

Quite a few people weighed in with comments including:

"...images are really important, we've started using slightly abstract images along with a vague/catchy headline..."

"...Pictures work harder and quicker than words. They always have. They always will."

"As a former journalist, I think that some people in internal comms don't really 'get' the importance of photos. In an ideal world, every IC department would have its own photography budget - and encourage its people to submit their own photos as well."

The bottom line is that people love to see images, video and artwork, it makes content more engaging. Another good way to pull people to the intranet is to use large LCD, plasma or TV screens to display attention grabbing video or imagery. 

Some of our clients even pull content form the Intranet to large screens. The thing is most companies have a network of screens dotted around their buildings - why not make better use of them?

If you'd like to know more about communicating across large screens (and even desktop screensavers), head over to the Sabercom website. 

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