Monday 16 July 2012

What the heck is digital signage anyway?

I've recently joined Sabercom, a UK company who have a fresh take on how to deliver communications across the various screens you can usually find in any organisation.

I wanted to find out more about how companies use various screens to deliver key messaging to employees, students and other "mobile populations" in multi-site and campus type locations.

So what is digital signage? It's very much an industry term so most of our customers don't know what digital signage is. Screens are everywhere these days in airports, train/bus stations, shopping centres and even the local corner shop at the cash register.

Traditionally, displays have been used in retail or customer facing applications. However, look more closely and you'll see displays spotted around most companies. Screens are placed at reception, in waiting rooms, employee rest areas, cafeterias and many others places.

So how do most companies use these screens to communicate to employees?

We did a casual poll and found most have screens in rest areas (including canteens and restaurants), places where staff don't have access to email, manufacturing facilities and contact centres among others.

"...we do use large screens to help our comms effort (eg. in Head office we have screens in reception, coffee bar and restaurant)..."

"...we use TVs for internal communications in a number of countries.We have a script which is for region-wide messages and then locally owners can add a local script for information specific to that country..."  

"...we use electronic notices in our lifts – they work well as they catch people when they’re not doing much else!"

Over the coming weeks Sabercom is going to delve into how and why companies use screens to communicate internally.

Do you have a story you'd like to share about the role of large screen communication in your business? Please get in touch:

1 comment:

  1. Very informative blog... digital signage companies are help to deliver messages, media and alerts to screens of all sizes for a unified communications solution.
