Wednesday 19 September 2012

I don't know what happened, I just fell into comms

Sound familiar? On the "People you may know" LinkedIn page, I noticed my cousin has landed an internal communication job. I asked how he decided to go into IC and here's what he said: 

"During Uni everyone was telling me how difficult it was for Graduates to get a job. Determined to prove everyone wrong I decided to look for a job in my second year.

Unfortunately, everyone was right, it was hard to find a job especially when I hadn't finished my degree yet. 

Eventually, I got an offer for an internal communications role as an assistant to the team. My skills in lots of different medias like web, video, editing, photography got me the job part time which was perfect because I was still at Uni.

After Uni they offered me a full time role and the chance to start their first in-house video production team. Being in internal communications I've found myself doing all sorts now including internal marketing email campaigns, intranet and Internet design and development and of course video production...."

"...It is true how so many people fall into IC. In our team I don't think anyone thought they'd be doing this. My old boss used to go to Graduation shows too and had very little interest apparently."

So my question is this, why does the internal communication function have such a hard time attracting people to the role? 

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