Tuesday 12 February 2013

Microsoft Surface on the road

Is the Surface good for business use?

So, I've taken my Surface out for a road trip which is a business meeting involving showing some emails, pdfs and PowerPoint files to the founder of the company.

I felt clever as I flipped out the stand and placed my Surface on the table. "Wow, that's a neat stand" he remarked as his legless iPad lay flat next to him.

Business commences and there's no more talk of the tech. So how was it?

  • Showing Excel and making notes as we went along was easier than on a laptop
  • Using swipe gestures to switch between email, PPT, Excel, PDF instead of ALT + TAB
  • Smooth and fast
  • Good viewing angles and clear enough for both of use to see
  • No battery anxiety, so much so that I left the charger at home!
Not so good
  • I would have brought my external mouse for Excel edits as I'm finding the Touch Cover clumsy and not as responsive as I'd like - plus I could input without moving the tablet
  • Same for my wireless keyboard for Excel edits
  • Typing this post on the touch keyboard and still haven't mastered it, slow going
I was able to do everything I needed without too much pain and much preferred bringing the Surface to lugging a laptop about. I still need to learn the best ways to use the device input wise. Do I get a Type keyboard? Carry a rollup wireless one plus a mouse? Depend more on the touch screen?

I have to say that it's really light compared even to 'ultra' and netbooks. You really don't feel you're lugging around such a capable device. Seven hours into the day on 5/8ths brightness and still 38% battery left.

Further updates as I continue to use it.

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