Wednesday 20 March 2013

Brand new hospital - blank screens

Digital signage in err action at Pembury Hospital
We had a routine scan appointment at Pembury Hospital and it's the first time we've been there since it was opened.

Shiny new hospital, so you would expect state of the art well, everything! I still can't believe how many TV screens I see running without content on them.

Someone went to the trouble of specifying a signage system, deciding what should be displayed, securing budget (which is already tight in the NHS) and then commissioning a company to install the hardware.

However, what's happened to the content management? This wasn't the only screen sitting idle (on a power consuming white image no less) in the hospital. ALL of the screens were in the same state.

It could be an anomaly you say? Just opened so teething problems? We went back weeks later for a follow up scan and guess what? The TVs were still showing the blank white screen. The time wasn't right or even consistent between screens.

If you're going to spend thousands of pounds of public (or private for that matter) money on hardware and software to inform patients, clients and staff then please put some relevant engaging content across the system or simply turn them off.

It's interesting that there are hundreds and possibly thousands of digital signage vendors and it seems not many can get it right! I've seen mouse pointers, error screens, circles displayed as ellipses, screens that are off or content that's out of date.

When you're shopping for a vendor, do yourself a favour; make sure the software to push content to the displays is easy to use and intuitive.

Thursday 7 March 2013

Microsoft Surface Type cover after 60 seconds use

Just "installed" Surface Type cover
So my friendly UPS guy just dropped off my MS Surface Type keyboard which I ordered on March 4th - so delivered on the third day. Not bad Microsoft.

I decided to sell the Touch cover because I use this for work and other than protecting the screen I just couldn't get along with it.

Granted, you do get sort of used to it but I found I could type faster on the glass screen of the tablet. Also, the touch pad was inaccurate and not very sensitive. I've been typing on this for only a few minutes and can say it's so much better. It's almost as good as my Lenovo laptop keyboard which is saying something.

Also, it's not much thicker or heavier than my Touch cover. I put the Touch cover on eBay and scored £82! Only £18 less than retail. Less eBay fees, I netted about £71 so added £38 more for a type cover. Not bad in my book.

I didn't mind the Touch cover for occasional use but the writing was on the wall when after a meeting, the company founder and me were editing a document in a coffee shop. He was immediately impressed by the Surface but that quickly faded when I looked like an incompetent typist. He decided to write his edits down instead. Ouch - I looked like I wasn't understanding where he wanted his edits! That shouldn't be the case any longer with my new Type cover.

- Fast accurate typing almost on par with a laptop (only detractor is some slight flex but hey it's so thin so I'll take the compromise
- Same flock finish on the rear makes it nice to touch
- Nice sized keys probably as a result of the wide screen form factor of the surface
- Responsive touch pad (fingers slide instead of snag like on the touch cover)
- Barely thicker than the touch cover
- Now I can truly say that this is the ultimate laptop replacement

- Some flex when tying "laptop" style
- Touch pad is slightly too small if you need to "drag and select" would have been better if they used the space below for the buttons (I'll probably get used to this so time will tell)
- Thicker and slightly heavier than the touch cover

Other updates:
- I'm still loving the Surface now as much as I did in the first few days. I don't lust after an iPad and don't miss my laptop
- eBay app has been updated with messages so it's complete now
- It's wearing very well indeed despite me not having a case for it (that will come soon)
- Feels good in the hands once you get over the corners digging into your palms when using it tablet style

All in all, it's doing the job I bought it for. Can't say that for much else these days! Oh yes, of course this was all typed up on my Surface.